
Showing posts from September, 2009


上個星期六去咗今年最後一個要出席嘅婚禮(淨係去咗ceremony)裡面聽到呢首歌, 勁好聽, [歌詞]好正. When God Made You Natalie Grant & Newsong  Listen(eSnips) Songwriters: Michael O'brien/Eddie Carswell It's always been a mystery to me How two hearts can come together And love can last forever But now that I have found you, I believe That a miracle has come When God sends the perfect one # Now gone are all my questions about why And I've never been so sure of anything in my life # * I wonder what God was thinking When He created you I wonder if He knew everything I would need Because He made all my dreams come true * When God made you He must have been thinking about me # I promise that wherever you may go Wherever life may lead you With all my heart I'll be there too From this moment on I want you to know I'll let nothing come between us I'll love what ever you love Repeat # He made the sun He made the moon to harmonize in perfect tune One can't move without the oth...


最近好鍾意聽王菀之嘅[月亮說]. 首歌嘅第[一句]令我想起楊千嬅嘅舊歌[有發生過]( MV ), 因為兩首歌一[開始]都有[背影]呢個字([有發生過]第[一句]係[ 沿著你背影 ]). 突然間發現, 原來[背影]是象徵著傷感. 因為拖手, [擁抱]同接吻通常都係面對面或者起碼會望到對方的臉; 但係暗戀, 被拒絕, 分手, 或者輸給對手就只能夠無奈地[ 凝望你背影 ]...... 月亮說 王菀之  Listen(imeem)   MV(youtube) 作曲/填詞:王菀之 編曲/監製:馮翰銘 for the invisible men 凝望你背影 傷感沾濕眼睛 明月夜再清 可惜心水更清 沒半點雲彩 遮掩遍地的愛 伸手會拾到往日的歡笑聲 情話是美景 一心醉便忘形 湖岸是背景 輕舟點出美聲 剩我一人飄 想飄往幸福處 星星掛夜空 卻沒氣力撐到那麼遠 *人情在 花不開 春天過後要等待 情人在 心不再 哪有動情是意外 默然忘了當初怎決定相愛 相愛的心終於都變做感慨 為何遇上最愛偏要避開 孤舟哪處靠岸不會被掩蓋* REPEAT* 在緣份的天空可會遇真愛 這世間有幾多情侶可一世相愛 凝望你背影 傷感沾濕眼睛 明月夜冷清 只因心水已清...