上星期五團契睇咗一套叫"Facing the Giants" 嘅戲. 如果純粹當一套戲嚟睇, D劇情可以話係"假到爆"("邊有咁誇ga"). 不過最amaze嘅係呢D"假到爆"劇情, 原來都係真事! 當然現實裡面就唔係好似套戲咁dramatic地所有事都發生喺[一個人](coach)度,但係根據writer/director/actor Alex Kendrick 喺 interview 度講: "Only in the sense that everything that happens in the movie has happened to someone in our church or family. There was a couple who couldn't have any children. There was a coach who was given a vehicle by the school because of his ministry to the students. And a team that was 0-and-3 and ended up making the playoffs." 每件都係真事, 仲要發生喺同一間教會嘅人/family身上! 套戲裡面我最鍾意以下呢一幕. 這個球員之所以能夠"創造傳奇一刻", 除咗因為蒙眼而令到佢唔會受環境同肉眼所見而自我limit自己嘅能力之外, 服從教練指示同相信教練唔會"點"佢, 因而喺毫無懷疑嘅情況下能夠將自己嘅能力完全發揮出來. 你同神嘅關係好似這個球員同教練嘅關係嗎? 自己之前都[慢慢]咁失去祈禱嘅信心同相信[神蹟](I mean 看似無[可能]發生/自己無能力完成嘅事)會發生喺自己身上. 呢套戲都俾我好大嘅提醒. 起碼依家都重拾返祈禱時應該有果份[依靠]嘅信心. Voice Of Truth - Casting Crowns MV(youtube) Live(youtube) Listen(eSnips) (from "Facing the Giants" soundt...