
Showing posts from December, 2010

10 最愛流行曲

我敢肯定我嘅音樂選擇合理同全面過TVB十大勁歌金曲... =P 今年整體嚟講國語歌好聽過廣東歌, 所以將最佳歌曲分開. 最佳廣東歌: 1. 天梯 釗峰@C All Stars 真人真事特別能夠感動人! 2. 高八度 張敬軒/王菀之 靚聲的完美配合. 3. 雨過天陰 謝安琪 Kay的演繹+歌詞令人完全感受到分手後重遇的唏噓 4. PS I Love You 張敬軒 5. 忘了‧忘不了 許志安 6. 月球人 恭碩良 7. 最後晚餐 Supper Moment 8. 心足 王梓軒 9. 再見穿梭機 李克勤 10. 一絲不掛 陳奕迅 最佳國語歌: 同樣係講愛情裡嘅唏噓及無奈, [說謊]同[再見]可以話係叮噹馬頭, 最後[說謊]險勝. 1. 說謊 林宥嘉 2. 再見 謝安琪 3. A.I.N.Y.(愛你) G.E.M. 4. 因為愛 韋禮安 5. 假動作 房祖名 6. 愛不單行 羅志祥 7. 我最愛糖 糖兄妹 8. 一步一步愛 鄭秀文 feat. 陳奐仁 9. 寫詩 林奕匡 10. 一滴淚的距離 周筆暢 最佳外語歌: 甜美聲線擊敗兩首感動人心嘅日文歌. 1. You and Me - Olivia Ong 2. Hello, Again昔日的老地方 (Ballad Version) - JuJu 3. 我愛你 - 平井堅 4. Virginia Moon - Norah Jones/Foo Fighters 5. My Private Christmas Song - 陳奕迅 6. Miracles - 恭碩良 7. Run Devil Run - Girls' Generation(少女時代) 8. Love The Way You Lie - Eminem ft. Rihanna 9. Don't Stop The Music - Jamie Cullum 10. Odoru Ponpokorin - Clementine ("小丸子"法文版) 滄海遺珠(即係無plug過嘅歌): 1. 襯 張敬軒 2. 替你高興 謝安琪 3. 偷生 楊千嬅 4. 幸福事小 倪安東 5. 寂寞是最無敵 陸永@農夫 6. 走狗 周柏豪 7. 黑與白 ...


冰冷的回憶總是在最溫暖的節日中靜悄悄地偷走出來...... I miss U missing me 周筆暢  MV(youtube)   Listen(Xuite) Words & music by Diane Warren Someone told me you found somebody Found somebody new I'm happy for you Maybe that's why I don't hear from you Like I used to like a faded photograph Our moment's in the past But sometimes, sometimes I miss you missing me * Calling me on the phone Asking me how I'm doing Asking if I'm alone I miss you missing me I miss you missing me I miss you missing me * Guess you won't be asking 'bout me when you see my friends Guess that had to end I won't be hearing what you've been up to Like I used to Had our time Our time has passed No there's no going back But sometimes, sometimes I miss you missing me Repeat * When someone calls me up at night I hold my breath, I close my eyes I wait and hope and pray it will be you Repeat * I miss you.. I miss you missing me 或者只有繼續[相信愛]最終總會能遇到對的, 才能在[冰點]裡[呼吸...


講到最有聖誕feel嘅電影, 我都會想起"Love Actually"呢套戲(雖然我係喺05年4月睇嘅 ...hai...) 而"Love Actually"裡面, 我諗有唔少人都同我一樣[最愛]以下呢一幕... The Blower's Daughter 倪安東  Live(youtube)   Listen(Xuite) And so it is Just like you said it would be Life goes easy on me Most of the time And so it is The shorter story No love, no glory No hero in her skies * I can't take my eyes off you I can't take my eyes off you I can't take my eyes off you I can't take my eyes off you I can't take my eyes off you I can't take my eyes * And so it is Just like you said it should be We'll both forget the breeze Most of the time And so it is The colder water The blower's daughter The pupil in denial Repeat * Oh, did I say That I loathe you? Did I say That I want to leave it all behind? I can't take my mind off you I can't take my mind off you I can't take my mind off you I can't take my mind off you I can't take my mind off...

My Favourite Time of Year

以前細個嘅時候總覺得聖誕是一個好浪漫嘅節日(雖然對我嚟講未浪漫過), 未移民前亦都好渴望見到白色聖誕([第一次]見到嘅時候真係覺得靚ga). 當然信主之後明白 CHRIST mas嘅真正意義同[誰是主角]後, 就更加[深愛]這個[值得]記念嘅日子, 更能感受到來自 CHRIST mas嘅呢份[愛]. Yep, CHRIST mas is [My Favourite Time of Year]! My Favourite Time of Year - The Florin Street Band  MV(youtube) Words & music by Leigh Haggerwood Lanterns lighting up the town, Peace on earth is all around, Everything is calm on Christmas Eve. There’s goodwill in the air tonight, Angels sing by candle light, Their voices carried on the wind. When carol singers gather round, When I hear that festive sound, I wanna join with them and sing! * They sing a merry song and we all sing along, A festive melody that tells us Christmas time is here. See the stars tonight; they’re shining bright, ‘Cause it’s Christmas time and it’s my favourite time of year. * Deck the halls with boughs of holly, Give me mistletoe; it’s the season to be jolly, Wrapping presents, writing cards, helping decorate the tree, But there’s o...


十多年前有套日劇叫"聖夜の奇跡"(三個單元故事, 當中有金城武同中山美穂演出)... 唔知今年嘅平安夜又會唔會有[Miracles]出現喺你身上呢? Miracles 恭碩良  Live(youtube)   Listen 作曲/作詞/編曲/監製:Jun Kung I believe in miracles You came into my world and turn it upside down I believe in miracles cause I’m a better man When baby you’re around * Oh watch me Catch me if I fall Oh save me Save me from my fault * I believe in miracles that the moon still goes around the earth that goes around the sun I believe in miracles baby, I believe in you I believe in us Repeat * I believe in you I believe in you Repeat * Cause I believe in you 其實喺二千多年前嘅一個夜晚, [神蹟]就早已發生了. 主耶穌捨棄神的身份, 在這一夜成為一個剛出世的baby, 然後在人世間生活33年, 犧牲自己去為[罪人]背上十字架...... 成了僕人 Immanuel Worshippers  歌譜 作曲:李英傑 作詞:甄燕鳴 問為何捨棄 天家的尊貴 放下權與位 直到死 身心已飽經禍困 無悔赴上十架犧牲一切 耶穌是神 成了僕人 難免受創傷牽制 以卑微人生 成就千秋公義共摯愛 未計代價無言地作贖祭 順服神心意 聽恩主吩咐 要立志更新 盡這生 彰顯救恩的烙印 神聖十架是我每天牽引 耶穌是神 成了僕人 何故受創傷牽制 以卑微人生 成就千秋公義共摯愛 讓我效法無言地作活祭 其實, 你到底係唔係真係知到 What's the REASON for the season?


Christmas對你嚟講其實有咩意義呢? 對於身為Christian嘅我, 當然係一個重要節日啦. 簡單D嚟講, 無主耶穌嘅出生, 就無[今日]嘅我. 你呢? Christmas 會唔會只不過係一個與你無關但係唔使返工嘅長假期, 讓你有一個[藉口]去從煩惱傷心當中放縱一下自己? 聖誕路人 樂瞳  MV(youtube)   Listen(Xuite) 作曲/編曲:符傳義 作詞:林日曦 監製:DJ Tommy/陳台證 Tick Tock Tick Tock 七點四分 失戀女生言談甚歡中早醉醺 Tick Tock Tick Tock 快八點半 負債的中年人起舞心情興奮 * 人人在聖誕派對說說笑笑交心關心彼此都總算盡情吧 用一晚沉醉在鬧市煙霞 人人亦滲滿醉意唱唱跳跳燈飾之中安心給感染未回家 下一秒才去讓自己牽掛 * Tick Tock Tick Tock 十一點八分 剛給革職男孩在高歌中暢飲 Tick Tock Tick Tock 快倒數了 病重的小孩靠心跳開懷一笑 Repeat * 全城也在慶祝 難得都歡呼望向煙花 誰在痛也暫時放個假 以一首歌一堆臉一杯酒加速眼花 人人在聖誕派對說說笑笑交心關心彼此都不過路人吧 用一晚沉醉在鬧市煙霞 誰亦滲滿醉意唱唱跳跳燈飾之中安心給感染被溶化 下一秒忘記吧 尚能狂歡嗎 就來傻笑吧 甚麼可怕 Tick Tock Tick Tock 一起倒數 壞透的心情捱下去總能變好 其實你有無諗過, Christmas可能係一個比你同不和嘅人和好的好機會呢? 戰場上的最後聖誕 孫耀威  MV / Live (youtube) 作曲/作詞:孫耀威 編曲:Jim Ling 監製:舒文/孫耀威 聖誕燈飾於尖東今年可有看過 你也會否想起於這個世界裡這某一角 槍火都永未斷過 火光彷彿比起煙花更加好看 燦爛裏閃出的坎坷 戰地裡盡是挨餓 但這刻的駁火 從來沒有些好結果 聖誕氣氛只得酒精可安慰了我 也記得當初身邊總會有個你可永遠撐我 爭吵將以後別過不須多講你我永遠再不相干 昨日老死再少一個 節日裏特別無助 但昨天的戰火 仍然纏困於你和我 * 你再可憎我 也不好過 如像戰禍 是你的出錯 我的出錯 仍可改過 即使當初的風波 我也有傷過 佈滿轟天的槍火並沒...

My Private Christmas Song

每[一個人]心入面都總會有一首歌去代表他們的聖誕... My Private Christmas Song 陳奕迅  Live(youtube)   Listen(Xuite) 作曲/作詞/監製:舒文 While this Christmas I am falling like snowflakes at your door As my guardian angel′s singing for someone else Eternity stains when love has turned into pain Love must be something I don′t deserve This is my private Christmas Song All the memories are fading Snow turns to rain As tonight I am craving for those endless kisses A melody written for someone just as a child has its parents This song is something you never care for This is my Private Christmas song This is my Private Christmas Song ...而到底有幾多人的private Christmas song 會年年都一樣呢? Lonely Christmas 陳奕迅  MV / Live (youtube)  Listen(Xuite) 作曲/作詞:李峻一 編曲/監製:Terry Chan 誰又騎著那鹿車飛過 忘掉投下那禮物給我 凝視那燈飾 只有今晚最光最亮 卻照亮我的寂寞 # 誰又能善心親一親我 由唇上來驗證我幸福過 頭上那飄雪 想要棲息我肩膊上 到最後也別去麼 # * Merry, Merry Christmas Lonely, Lonely Christmas 人浪中想真心告白 但你只想聽聽笑話 Lonely, Lonely Christmas Merry, Merry Christmas 明日燈飾必須拆下 換到歡呼聲不過一剎 * ...