My Love Will Get You Home

家的感覺, 原來係唔受地域所限. 雖然[時間][可能]會[慢慢]沖淡呢種感覺, 但係[這一刻]我覺得LA就好似我第二個家.

其實每次去完tour都會唔捨得. 不過平時通常都係因為為神作工好開心, 覺得人生好有意義之後而唔想返去做自己果份無乜意義嘅工. 但今次除咗呢個原因之外, 唔捨得嘅仲包括所有一齊事奉嘅弟兄姊妹.

詩班加埋成50幾人, 唔計Toronto果D, 除咗大約十多個之前一齊事奉過嘅人(Sandy, Karson, Jennie, Louise, Fennie, Heather, Steven, Venus, Michael+Angela, Lis, Patrick, Dr. Angel...[希望]無數漏...hehe)之外, 其他30+人全部都唔識. 對於shy底(已經進步咗好多 ga la)+相對嚟講慢熱嘅我, 我原本諗住最多識到多一堆"Hi-Bye friends", 估唔到最後我係覺得多咗一班"屋企人".

或者一齊同心事奉神嘅人真係會特別容易熟, 起碼今次最大嘅突破係有一晚我跟咗一班當地嘅詩班員去飲嘢, 都算幾難得.

喺呢班弟兄姊妹當中, 我睇到大家經歷過神嘅大能之後點樣作出回應, 願意委身嘅心. 經過第一個weekend嘅聚會所感受到嘅震撼之後, 好多之前無諗住之後個Sunday要一大清早揸兩個鐘頭車去San Diego做聚會嘅弟兄姊妹都願意改變原有計劃而去參與其中; 再加上最後果兩場有14個詩班員立志全[時間]事奉, 可以睇到佢地無將神嘅愛take it for granted, 而係願意去回應神, 將自己交俾神去使用.

仲有就係喺第一個Sunday night嘅聚會, 當晚雖然無詩班員立志全[時間]事奉, 但有好多會眾行出來立志. 當我喺台下幫其中一個會眾祈完禱望返上台嘅時候, 我見到台上面有好多詩班員因著會眾對神熱烈嘅回應而流下淚水或流露出[感動]嘅目光, 我好想話俾佢地知我果一刻喺台上唔止淨係見到詩班員, 仲見到神的愛喺當中.


My Love Will Get You Home MV(許志安+at17, youtube)
Listen (Christine Glass, imeem)

If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
* If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home.
Boy, my love will get you home. *

If the bright lights blind your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
Repeat *

If you ever feel ashamed, my love will get you home.
When there's only you to blame, my love will get you home.
Repeat * *
Boy, my love will get you home.


Anonymous said…
也很喜愛這首歌, 特意改編了廣東歌詞:-


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