沒有童話- 當你走到無力


[烏龜]天生嘅條件就比兔仔差,所以無論怎樣努力,[烏龜][今生註定]無兔仔[跑]得咁快,跟唔上兔仔嘅步伐. 雖然係賽程途中,有D好好嘅兔仔都願意放慢腳步去就呢隻[烏龜], 去陪同鼓勵佢.但係可惜天資有限,無論[烏龜]幾咁努力,就算用[極速]都仍然無辦法跟得上兔仔嘅速度.就算那些兔仔幾有愛心都好,總不能無止境咁放慢腳步,到最後都要用返原本嘅快速去跑,[慢慢]咁放甩[烏龜],而[烏龜]就只有自己一個孤令令咁跑落去.最慘嘅係,[烏龜]仲要受到一D 兔仔嘅揶諭,當佢嘅夢想係[笑話],另外仲要笑佢不自量力,[妄想]可以得到"主辦單位"所預備嘅大獎.

到底這隻[烏龜]係唔係應該如那些兔仔所講要面對現實,自己只係一隻[低等動物],不應再[妄想]高攀去參加兔仔嘅高級組賽跑? 況且,這隻[烏龜]已經跑得筋疲力竭,與其一個自己跑,或者改去參加[烏龜]級別,起碼唔使孤令令跑, 而且仲可以得到其他[烏龜]參賽者同埋蛇觀眾(因為蛇無腳同佢地會任意亂跑,所以係無蛇級別嘅賽跑,唔會有機會得到任何獎品)嘅尊重同支持,唔會睇小你(甚至覺得你有機會跑出),又可以跑得輕鬆D唔使咁辛苦, 何樂而不為?雖然[烏龜] 級別嘅獎品無咁寶貴,但係如果先天不足嘅因素令到[烏龜]根本無[可能]得到高級組大獎嘅話,得到遺材賽嘅獎品也總好過吃力不討好.或者就正如一D兔仔所諗,"次貨"根本就"不配"得到"主辦單位"所預備嘅大獎.


當你走到無力 徐偉賢 MV(YouTube)

當你走到無力繼續下去 當你感到寂寞困惱空虛
請你相信神完全明白你 願助你解開困惑 拋開痛悲
當你跑到疲乏難再下去 當你感到疑惑說我是誰
袛要相信神隨時扶助你 就讓你伸手接受衪深愛你

別害怕衪知你難受 擔當軟弱與困憂
不需再懼怕 耶穌必拯救
願你開口接受 張開你手
別害怕衪知你難受 擔當軟弱與困憂
不需再懼怕 耶穌必拯救

寂寞到流星跌下了 笨拙到藍天塌下了 (from 泳兒[一時倦了])


Ronald said…
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BoBo Chuk said…
umm...I have a few questions after reading your post.

I don't know what do you mean for the "主辦單位", but how about if it is God? I don't think HE will make any "次貨", nor categorized us into 高級組 & 低級組. And why do you think [烏龜] 級別嘅獎品無咁寶貴? I think all the gifts from God are treasures lei!

Why do you think life is a racing game lei? Maybe God doesn't concern about who are running faster, but the prizes will go to the ppl who have great thankful hearts in their live journey?

I know sometimes we can't control but compare ourselves to others. And we will have the feeling that you mentioned on your post if we don't focus on God. You should know what to do when you think clearly.

God love us all ~ equally

will pray to u bro.

BoBo Chuk said…
pray for u I meant =P
lik said…
check your email
Anonymous said…
Umm, what you are saying is very interesting. But how do you know that the turtle will lose in the end. There will always be miracles from God, so it's possible that the turtle can win :)

I sorta know what you are getting at from this story thought. But there is definitely more than one turtle in the rabbit's race group.

Unknown said…
well, what I believe is people are looking for a person compatible with them. In another word, focusing on her/him is more important than focusing on your competitors. Do you think the same?
Princess Sweety said…
Time for new blog la, Kenneth...
Ah Man said…
dude, update your blog :D

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